The Grand Designs Australia Magazine House of the Year Awards 2025

Terms & Conditions and General FAQ

What is different about the Grand Designs Australia Magazine House of the Year Awards?

This program spotlights Architects as the primary players in delivering brilliant Client outcomes for detached designer housing projects around Australia.

The emphasis of this program is on Client outcomes – we are looking to see how the project has facilitated the desires of the Client.

There will be 18 finalists, 4 winners in 4 categories (Large New Home, Large Renovation, Small New Home and Small Renovation), and several sponsored category prizes. All will be heavily promoted throughout 2024.

The program aims to:

  • Give Architects an easy-entry experience
  • Parade 18 finalists’ projects before an audience of people with impending project plans via print, digital and social media for 12 months,
  • Associate 18 finalists with the Grand Designs Australia brand – thus ensuring finalists stand out from the pack when being considered for work,

Entry is easy, and the benefits are significant in the real world of winning business from Clients in the years ahead.

Why Architects Specifically?

In the real-world practice of delivering brilliant Client outcomes, the Clients vision is handled primarily by the Architect.

The Winner will be the Architect that entered, but both Architect and Builder must be credited, and credited with accuracy. This entity can be a sole tracer, partnership, business and/or company.

Anyone is able to enter on behalf of an Architect, provided all necessary documentation can be supplied completely and accurately, however the Architect will be the ultimate recipient of the award. 

Who is behind the Grand Designs Australia Magazine House of the Year Awards?

This program is run by Universal Media Co as the promoter. Universal Media Co is fundamentally a data business with media assets. As a data company we routinely collect data on people with projects as they enter the market, using digital, social and ecommerce tools, and engage them with media products.

Our media operation is extensive and is part of how we engage this data. Through the media operation we learn how close each audience member is to making plans, what those plans are, and how they are positioned.

The media operation includes 11 print media brands and two digital portals – and One of those brands is Grand Designs Australia Magazine, which is the official publication of the Grand Designs Australia TV show and published under license from Fremantle Media.

Grand Designs Australia Magazine has developed a reputation for connecting consumers to the builders, architects and suppliers who can make their dreams come true. As a brand Grand Designs Australia Magazine is the “blueprint for designer living” – the publication exists to develop positive collaborations and brilliant customer outcomes on detached designer homes.

Universal Media Co is the Trading Name of Universal Magazines Pty Ltd (ACN 003 026 944)

Basic Entry Criteria

Entry is free

Entry is Open to licensed Architects who are involved in single residential projects in Australia. We will check licenses and qualifications. Both the primary Builder and Architect must be credited.

Projects must have been completed within the last 5 years, specifically from 1st Jan 2019 to date of entry.

The closing date for entries is 11:59PM 24th Oct 2024. Late entries will not be accepted.

By entering participants are confirming…

  1. Participants agree to be bound by these general terms and conditions and entry criteria for this competition,
  2. That your organisation wishes to enter the competition and that you are authorised to enter on behalf of your organisation,
  3. That you have filled in this form accurately,
  4. That you have the authorisation of all significant project stakeholders including the Client to enter the competition and that you have obtained consent to share, publish or release information or data relating to the project including information or data that may be potentially sensitive or confidential in nature,
  5. That you acknowledge that you have obtained the necessary copyrights and permission to use all of imagery or photos that you submit for the purpose of this competition, including property, business and person, for publication in media, which includes but is not limited to coverage in Grand Designs Australia Magazine, plus associated digital and social media,
  6. A willingness to receive informational emails from the Promoter and their Sponsors,
  7. That there were no serious injuries or deaths which occurred onsite during construction, and
  8. That there are no outstanding debts or complaints relating to the project.
  9. That the certifications held by any professional credited in any relation to the your entry submitted are both true and current, and were so at the time of the project (e.g. all Architects and Engineers credited are appropriately and legally certified as such). Failure to credit appropriately may not only breach these competition terms and conditions but may hold the entrant liable for any damages incurred should this information as provided by the entrant later be published. Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions by submission of an entry acknowledges this responsibility.

See below for full entry requirements.

Assessment Criteria & Selection of the Winner

Entries will be assessed by a panel of judges, or representative of the Promoter, based upon the following criteria. There is not set word limit, but participants should be prepared to submit well-constructed bullet points that get to the heart of:

  1. Client Brief - A description of the brief and how it was answered – 40%
  2. Architectural Values – Design Intention and Context – 40%
  3. Process – Communication, Budget Management, Building, Construction, Defect Management – 20%

We ask that testimonials are included to effectively answer part 1. The Promoter may in its discretion check the testimonials of shortlisted projects.

The judges’ decision is final and binding. If in the opinion of the judges the entries do not reach the quality standard for the competition, the judges and Universal Media Co, in their discretion may decide not to grant all eight finalist positions. There will only be one winner.

The finalists and the winner will be notified by email.

Media Coverage

Media coverage of the Grand Designs Australia Magazine House of the Year Awards includes (but is not limited to) Grand Designs Australia Magazine,,, and associated social media channels.

Editorial comment on and photographic display of the projects entered will be at the discretion of the media. Whilst it is the aim of Universal Media Co and Grand Designs Australia Magazine to feature the work of entrants accurately, the Promoter makes no representations or warranties as to the quality, suitability or merchantability of goods and services offered. To the extent permitted by law, the promoter is not liable for any loss suffered to person, business, entity or property by reason of any actor omission, deliberate or negligent, by the Promotor, its employees, or agents in connection with the arrangement for the supply of services. Whilst the promoter will make its best effort to feature the work of entrants accurately, the promotor including Grand Designs Australia Magazine and Fremantle Media are not liable for any discrepancy, error, omission or misrepresentation of that participant or entry in any media report.

Universal Media Co will also be promoting pre, during & post awards, on all of our social media channels.

Universal Media Co shall promote the entire program to other media, seeking coverage. Whilst it is the aim of Universal Media Co to feature the work of entrants accurately, there will be no responsibility taken for discrepancy, error, omission or misrepresentation of that entry in any media report.

Award Party

The promoter is considering an award party at the conclusion of the program. We will send invitations prior the event. We are unable to provide for flight or accommodation for attendants from interstate.

Entry Requirements

The following information is required to provide judges with information regarding the project. This information must accompany your entry.

Your completed entry will comprise of the following components:

  1. Online Form. A completed official online entry form.
  2. Digital Images. Images must be taken by a professional photographer. Entrants are responsible for the quality of all images. These images will be used in an audio-visual presentation and media; so good quality material will better profile your entry. If providing ‘before’ shots, please ensure these are clearly identified as ‘before’ shots. Images must highlight any special features of the project as well as general shots. A minimum of eight (8) images (mix of internal and external images). Resolution of 300dpi with an image size of 21cm x 29cm (i.e. equates to A4 in size maximum) in JPEG file type only (please no PDF, PPT or TIFF file types). No mobile phone images accepted. Please note if your images are not of high quality you could be asked to resubmit them.
  3. Concept Plans. Max A3 size include elevations/floorplan.
Entry Requirements: Category Distinctions

The category distinctions between Large and Small entry groups, e.g. "Large New Home" and "Small New Home < 200m2" are the size of the internal space per Architectural design. 

If an entry is made into an unsuitable category, efforts will be made to contact the Architect and clarify suitability of category. Judges and Program Co-ordinator reserve the right to move an entry into the most correct category and judge it on criteria relevant to that category. 

What do finalists get?

Finalists will receive a purpose-created project profile in the bimonthly Grand Designs Australia Magazine. At the publisher's discretion, this profile will also be distributed throughout our social and digital media channels.


Data collected from both Entrants and Consumers participating in this competition and associated marketing program shall be used by the Promoter and its Sponsors.

For more details, see the company’s privacy policy, available at:

Key Dates

Entries are to be received by the Promoter by 5pm 24th October 2024.

Finalist marketing program starts in August 2024, with exact date of commencement to be determined by Universal Media Co at its discretion.

People's Choice voting closes at 11:59pm 14th February 2025. The Publisher reserves the right to modify this date at their discretion.

Winner will be announced in April 2025.

32-page coverage will be in Vol 13 No 6 of Grand Designs Australia Magazine in April 2025.

Award Party dates are TBC in March/April 2025 and will be announced by the Promoter by email to all relevant parties, by end March 2025.